Another week and another Erin Bakes Cake Summer School livestream on the books! Thank you to all who joined in and asked great questions. If you didn’t get a chance to watch live, you can catch up on all the livestream sessions on my Facebook page.
Three Ring Circus Cake
I whipped up the adorable and delicious circus animal sugar cookies from my Three Ring Circus cake in the book. Luckily for me and for all those watching, the livestream went relatively smooth! Only minor hiccup was having to stop for a coughing fit. Thanks, kids! I’ve mostly beaten this summer cold and am looking forward to smooth sailing next time. (Fingers crossed!)
For session 3 of Erin Bakes Cake Summer School we’ll be playing with candy! YAY! Have you guys noticed the pattern yet? First project, chocolate. Second project, cookies. Third project, candy. All of the decorating projects in Erin Bakes Cake fall into one of those categories! Um, YUM! No fondant or gum paste here. In the book I’m showing you how to create gorgeous cake decorations that taste just as good as they look!
Poppy Pops Cake
Creating cake decor with candy is not a new concept, but it’s one that’s usually relegated to cakes for the kiddies. In Erin Bakes Cake I’m sharing cake designs that come together in a flash and only look like a million bucks. All of the elements on the Poppy Pops Cake that I’ll be sharing in session 3 of Erin Bakes Cake Summer School can be purchased at the supermarket or drug store. Doesn’t get much sweeter than that!
Join me live, Tuesday 8/15 at 10am on my Facebook page and we’ll have some fun!
Pre-Order Your Copy of Erin Bakes Cake before it hits bookstore shelves September 5th!
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