Once upon a time I came up with a super cute and suuuuuper easy baby shower onesie cake for the Craftsy Cake Decorating Blog. It’s been pinned and saved literally thousands of times. I hope it’s made some people’s lives a little easier (and sweeter) when dealing with the stresses of throwing a baby shower!
Well, the times they are a changing. My cute little cake now has a new home on Bluprint! What is that, you ask? It’s the new home for Craftsy Unlimited. What is that, you ask? (Lol, I know! It’s hard to keep up sometimes.) Craftsy Unlimited is formerly where you could stream all of Craftsy’s amazing class content for one low monthly fee. To do that now, you head to Bluprint!
Along with much of Craftsy’s content, Bluprint offers classes and information on things like yoga, dancing, crafting with kids, home decor, paper crafting, and more. You’ll find all of my Craftsy classes there along with many others taught by dozens of expert level cake and cookie decorators. I wish I would’ve had a site like this at such a low price when I was starting out. If you want to check it out, you can sign up for a 7 day free trial here – Blueprint.
So any who, back to that onesie cake! Use one of my favorite sheet cake and buttercream recipes (below) and grab the assembly instructions here.
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