Guys, it’s over! Summer’s over! 🙁
I had sooooo many big plans. I think about 10% of them actually happened. Oh well! I guess that’s just the way it goes. Babies have their way of reminding you, plans schmans, ma.
One thing I was able to keep up with this summer were my posts for Craftsy’s Cake Decorating Blog. Which, if you haven’t been to already, is a terrific (and free) resource they offer. The writers are all top-notch and the subjects all interesting and on trend.
Here’s a quick roundup of my posts from the past couple of months, just in case you missed them while you were off enjoying fun day trips and frolicking at the beach (or nursing a small baby while attempting to entertain a toddler, whatever).
Free Craftsy Cake Decorating Tutorials by Erin Gardner
Your all item is very nice.
I like your all decoration.