If you follow me on Instagram you may have noticed that March 5th was my tut-iversary! What’s a tut-iversary, you ask? It’s the anniversary of my very first cake decorating tutorial being published – a post on how to make fun cake flower puffs using fruit roll-ups. I cannot take credit for knowing this off the top of my head. I’m far too disorganized for that! Handy-dandy Facebook reminded me with a memory from 5 years ago.
Then, today I see this!Holy moly! I had no idea this has historically been such a huge cakey-bakey week for me! Most of the time I find the FB memories to be annoying. Who needs to know they had an Arnold Palmer and Cobb salad for lunch 4 years ago? But this week, I’m so happy to be reminded of these wonderful events.
To celebrate my tut-iversary, I’ve decided to spend the week sharing some of my favorite free tutorials and online classes that I’ve created in the 5 years since that first one. So, let’s start at the top!
Fruit Roll-Up Cake Flowers

My friend and cake-tographer, Mark Davidson, shot all of the gorgeous images for the post.
Having children has melted my brain and distorted space and time for me, so I cannot recall the exact events that lead to me writing this post for the Wedding Chicks. (Thanks, kids!) I can tell you that this specific project set the gears turning in my head. Up until this point I had been designing very fancy cakes with elaborate sugar flower arrangements. My goal at the time was to move into that teaching world. Which I did, for a time. Little did I know, this would be the direction my cake journey would follow. I’m so grateful for it! I (very prophetically) said to Mark during the shoot, “This should be a book!” Not an entire book on making things out of fruit roll-ups. That could get a little…tedious. A book about taking ordinary things from the supermarket and turning them into something special.
After I finish this post I’ll start work editing the first pass of that book. It’s entirely unbelievable to me and kind of magic. I wish I could use those powers for more than just cake. I should be organized! This house should be clean! …Nope, just cake.
You can find the full tutorial here. And stick around for more tut-iversary fun this week!
Beatiful where do I find the instructions to make this flowers?
Hi! The full post is on WeddingChicks.com : http://www.weddingchicks.com/blog/make-your-own-cake-flowers-l-6618-l-13.html